Video (1)
Image (4)
Nr. 4
Tyrone Richards
Technical Note:
Werktyp: Ausstellungskopie
Datenträger: HD Digital File
Audio: Stereo
Dauer: 0:01:50
Farbe: Farbe
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
--- Präsentationshinweis
Das Video wurde vom Innenraum des im Souterrain liegenden Kulturbüros aus auf die Glasfront projiziert, so dass es von aussen von der Strasse aus einzusehen war. Insbesondere nachts kam die psychedelische Ästhetik zur Entfaltung.
On a grey plane a caleidoscope pulses, made from simple geometric shapes of cardboard as it grows into ever more complex structures. In very rapid rhythms Manuel Szabo forms symmetrical ornamental mandalas, deconstructs them and builds them anew in his animation. In a time where abstract shapes can easily be created through computer simulations, he uses seemingly simple material. Szabo builds the structures by hand, without digital technology and takes them further into a growing complexity. This playful dynamic is intensified through the movement of the camera. The title "Nr. 4" is a hint by Szabo to the symmetry of the construction, which always contains a number of cardboard shapes which is always a multiple of 4. The work shows an immense visual variety and aesthetic in a spectrum grey. The effect that Manuel Szabo creates shifts between psychedelic and overwhelming; however the piece retains its playful character.
Tyrone Richards
animation basel city parcours geometrie innenstadt kaleidoskop kunst-im-öffentlichen-raum kuratorisches experiment mandala parcour public art schweizer künstler stadtparcours swiss artist video art videocity 2015 videokunst videoparcour videocity_memoriav 2015
Videocity_memoriav - 2015 Videocity_memoriav catalog - mediathek
Full spec
- CallNumber
- 2331508-5988
- DateAdded
- 2021-06-30T10:18:29Z
- DateModified
- 2024-06-17T13:48:09Z
- Handle
- 20.500.11806/med/10316
- Key
- W7UCS52R
- Rights
- All Rights Reserved
- RunningTime
- 0:01:50