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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0147)

flags 5 - podcast GCAS - "Flags and performances - in search of a new sandbox" (Einreichung 7)

In this hour-long podcast, Thilini Prasadika asks me about my research and work. The fact that I talk about "trying to surrender to our inability to understand space" to a scientist in Sri Lanka brings a spatial dimension into play, which, due to the already existing performative quality of Zoom, turns the interview into a performance in a way that we cannot fully grasp. It is a document of how absolutely crazy (and at the same time absolutely familiar!) it is that the first time I talk about "the core" - the innermost, the closest, the most intimate, the most emotional, the most physical - of my work, I do so with someone who is the furthest away, who I "see" for the first time - and not physically.
„flags“ a project of Gabriel Magos As tanks were approaching I was torn away from my sandbox in my hometown Budapest at the age of three and a half. Our family fled to Switzerland. My search for a new sandbox led me to India, into agriculture, rock music, performance, theatre, theatrepedagogy and now I am visualizing this search for "Terratorium" in the project "flags". As flags are grandiosely propagating annihilating nationalisms I go in the opposite direction (I flee ? I resist ?) to an "arte veramente povera" where I invent flagobjects and performances like "whiteflagwaving" to investigate the phenomenon "flag" and its seducing power as first moving informator. In this project there is also a sandbox with its deeply confusing ambivalence as playground for children and military. background - biography ( hungary/switzerland), nationalism, Max Daetwyler whiteflag, my first flag to mark my atelier positionism ( trying to surrender to my unability to understand space) what is a flag a piece of cloth on a stick to show the wind (temperature) WAVES first moving information carrier – signal (transport) a sign to belong to and to mark a field/ a territory/ a nation implication of flag sensual – seducing (movement) - emotional link to skin map (mappa) cover shelter making new flags ( material !) flagobjects flagsheets who or what holds/carries the flag ? - standardbearer bamboo - tripod flagpods - installations „white flag space“ – „flags procession » , « le palais des vents », « fireflag » more research history of flags ( other fields like climate, greenpeace, genders, political organisations, red flag, religions, rituals……) nationsflagscoloralismresearch - imagiNations – de/flagification military theory ( assigning numen to cluster, flagification……) performances in public space - whiteflagwaving vlogs, fotos, videos ( online , facebook etc.)
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Who is afraid of the humanities - podcast Serie GCAS

place: Zürich / Sri Lanka
KuratorIn: Thilini Prasadika, GCAS Global College of Advanced Studies ( Creston C Davis )
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Video 16:9
Dauer: 1:03:32