Caviezel, Flavia et al.
SARN Notebook: 87 questions on Artistic Research. Published by SARN in collaboration with ELIA in the frame of conference 'Economies of Aesthetics' (Basel 2015).
Applied Fine Performing Arts
ELIA (European League of the Institutes of the Arts) conference „Economies of aesthetics,“ held in Basel
It was also the basis of a lecture/performance, held at the HGK (Academy of Art and Design) in Basel
This notebook will be launched at the Basel Conference
‘Economies of Aesthetics’ taking place from 18
Elena Filipovic, Director Kunsthalle Basel
Nº 5
Since we do not demand of
artists that the ‘research
Regula Valérie Burri, Professor HafenCity University Hamburg
Nº 39
What are adequate forums
to debate
Regula Valérie Burri, Professor HafenCity University Hamburg
Nº 45
How can knowledge produced
in artistic
Regula Valérie Burri, Professor HafenCity University Hamburg
Nº 62
Do we need new interdisciplinary