"You said go slow" is a tribute to languor, first love and yoghurt. And above all, to an endangered cult dance: the Slow.
Rendezvous for an American quarter of an hour! English songs, recorded between 1983 and 1995, echo through the space. They speak of waiting, emptiness, solitude or sharing; all evoke love, of course.
Milena waits at the edge of the dance floor, and you're free to invite her to share a dance... Flashback!
As part of the "Born in the eighties" exhibition, this performance accompanied an installation of 12 drawings in the Nave of the former Le Noirmont church.
automatically translated from french
photos: © Laetitia Gessler
"Tournée": 2021: Fête de la Danse, Vevey (VD). 2020 (annulation Covid): Palp Festival, Carnötzet, Sierre (VS).
2019: Fête de la Danse, Yverdon-les-Bains (VD). 2019: Fête de la Danse et Festival des 5 ans du H107, Genève (GE).
Born in the eighties, exposition
place: La Nef, Noirmont
KuratorIn: Humbert, Julie
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action