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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1149)

Duo Krak (Performances)
(ab 1991)
Schenker, Margrit; Vecellio, Valentin Schenker, Margrit (Akkordeon,Stimme,Performance)
Vecellio, Valentin (VerschiedeneKlarinetten,Performance)
verschiedene (Eventcurator)
Anliker, Elisabeth (Camera:SchwarzWeissFotos)
unbekannt (Camera:Farbfotos)

The duo Krak was founded before my stay in America. Memorable first performance at a graphic artist in Witikon (ca. 1991). Our work is a mixture of performance art and musical cabaret. Disguise plays a role and virtuoso clarinet sounds alternate with multi-layered accordion clusters.
e.g. AUA Festival 1999: Material and people are pushed on 4 trolleys by 4 people, the audience was on a gallery, floodlight, no acoustic amplification, bricks on trolley 1, clay on trolley 4, musical instruments on trolleys 2 and 3.
PDF: Beschrieb einer Performance des Duo Krak von der Schriftstellerin Elisabeth Wandeler-Deck Zürich
AUA Festival, Atelier SU u.a.

place: verschiedene Orte in der Schweiz
KuratorIn: verschiedene
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotoserie und PDF

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: verschiedene Längen