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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1032)

Pedro Meier, 2019, The last Mohicans, Shamanic Climate Change Performance, Installation, Fluxus DADA, by Shaman Pedro Meier Multimedia Artist, Art Campus Attisholz
Meier, Pedro Meier, Pedro (Eventcurator)
Meier, Pedro (Camera)

"The last Mohicans, Shamanic Climate Change Performance" by Pedro Meier multimedia artist and writer, addresses the issue of climate change. The performance and installation takes place in the ruins, the former chemical laboratory and the discarded work and factory halls of the disused Attisholz cellulose factory. A huge, derelict industrial wasteland. Wasteland Factory. The walls full of graffiti paintings. Big city slum and doomsday atmosphere. Apocalypse. Pedro Meier imagines a shaman, with shaman singing, shaman dancing, shaman drumming. The whole thing is also visualized with waste from the affluent society and found objects (beer cans, PET bottles, trash, aluminium foil, etc.) The shaman Pedro Meier wears a crown made of bamboo branches and a headband made of jute from the Amazon. Glittering sceptre and symbolic crosier - made from industrial waste. Silhouette theater, DADA and FLUXUS performance.
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Art Campus Attisholz – Kettenreaktion 2019

place: Art Campus Attisholz Areal – 4533 Riedholz bei Solothurn
KuratorIn: Meier, Pedro
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Performance, Sound-Installation, Schamanentanz, Tanz, Theater, FLUXUS, DADA

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 180