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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0937)

vermessen - fragen - verkörpern
(2017, 2018)
Buol, Silvia Buol, Silvia (Performer)
Wenger, Simon (Performer)
Ramer, Romana (Performer)
Babics, Michael (Eventcurator)
Strässle, Emanuel (Eventcurator)
Babics, Michael (Camera)
Strässle, Emanuel (Camera)

measure - question - embody 2017/18
Architecture-related performances
in the exhibition Archiquest, Kunsthalle Palazzo, Regionale 18
Project idea/concept: Silvia Buol
Performance development and realization: Silvia Buol with Simon Wenger/
Romana Ramer.
In the performance "measure - question - embody", the focus was on the
the architectural features of the exhibition spaces and the relationship
and the relationship between people and space. The performers
played with the volumes and dimensions, for example the door frames,
the longitudinal axes, the viewing angles and the special traces and wooden
wooden inlays on the floor surfaces. Some of the works of art, which
thematically appropriate due to their form and relationship to the space were
included in the performance. The structure of the performance was
The structure of the performance was prepared together, themes relating to the
and space were developed and selected. In detail, however
the moment within these themes and the agreed time structure.
Exhibition Archiquest, Regionale 18, curated by Michael Babics and
Emanuel Strässle.
Kunsthalle Palazzo Liestal, 25. 11. and 1. 12. 2017, 07. 01. 2018
Photos: Michael Babics, Emanuel Strässle
Regionale 18, "Ausstellung Archiquest"

place: Kunsthalle Palazzo, Liestal
KuratorIn: Babics, Michael; Strässle, Emanuel
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 35