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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0908)

Aus dem Rahmen gefallen

Text in the booklet accompanying ERNTE 20:
The performer sits naked and motionless in the picture frame for several days. "I chose my pose based on a charcoal drawing by Paula Modersohn-Becker from 1906, probably the most important representative of early German Expressionism and probably the first female artist to depict herself in a self-portrait as a nude and frontally," explains Ursula Scherrer. "The performance Out of the Frame raises questions about the artist's position in society in the past and today." The real-life encounter with the performer on site will presumably also prompt questions about her own position and understanding of her own role.

place: Museum zu Allerheiligen, Schaffhausen
KuratorIn: Köpfli, Isabelle
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


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