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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0742)

Scott, Jill performed by the audience (Performer)
Hahne, Marille (Eventcurator)
Rust, Dorothea (Eventcurator)
Bietenholz, Barbara (Eventcurator)
Scott, Jill (Eventcurator)
Hahne, Marille (Camera)

Plant molecules are like families in an orchestra; they stimulate our senses of taste and smell and combine to register the flavour of food in our brain. This complex interaction between taste and smell is the origin of AFTERTASTE. In AFTERTASTE, the audience performs a molecular orchestra while moving food molecules between 2 sculptures, one based on the human tongue and the other on the human nose. The food molecules are a set of 24 sound triggering devices to be played by several audience members simultaneously. In this way, a complex sound composition from the human body and classical instruments are created while different projections of visuals appear on the tongue sculptures and the wall next to it. Various animations deliver informative associations about the biological families of molecules such as terpenes, phenolics, inulins, nutri-ents, minerals and their potential health benefits. In the human body, these compounds operate together to promote our health and growth. AFTERTASTE is a performative art and science project and part of an EU Horizon 2020 science research consortium about the chicory root. AFTERTASTE refers to the current impact of food production on the environment, and how genetic manipulation can be used to increase its nutritional and medicinal qualities. The result is a performative and embodied experience that produces social interaction.
Production Credits: Jill Scott, Marille Hahne, Natascha Janovski, Vanessa Barrera Giraldo, Jasmine Chastonay AFTERTASTE: PERFORMING THE MOLECULAR ORCHESTRA will be part of a traveling event/exhibition tour curated by Johanna Hoffman, Art Science Node Berlin
CAPTIONS Photo 01: AFTERTASTE, placing a molecule into the tongue sculpture and performing body sounds Photo 02: AFTERTASTE, choosing a molecule from the nose sculpture to play classical instruments Photo 03: AFTERTASTE, activating sounds and video projections with 2 molecules Video Video 04: Lecture and demonstration by Jill Scott of AFTERTASTE for ARS ELECTRONICA, Linz, Austria in 2021

place: Art Exhibition, Gleis 70, Zürich
KuratorIn: Hahne, Marille; Rust, Dorothea; Bietenholz, Barbara; Scott, Jill
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

3 Photos and 1 Video

Video 16:9
Dauer: variable