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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0572)

Analog Chat No. I–III
Ritzmann, Marion Stefan Riebel (Eventcurator:Berlin)
Riebel, Stefan (Camera:Fotos)
Knörr, Christian (Camera:Fotos)
Blankenstein, Heiko (Camera:Fotos)

The material for the performance Analog Chat consists of a table, two chairs, two mechanical typewriters and a stack of 80 g/m2 blank A4 paper. The performance begins with Marion Ritzmann sitting down at one side of the table and typing the words on her typewriter:

one word, one sheet

The written sheet is folded and placed facing the audience as a prelude. The performer waits until someone from the audience sits down on the other side of the table and starts the dialog with her. The rule of writing only one word per sheet is deliberately intended to slow down the pace of the written dialog. The concept of the performance aims in the opposite direction to the rapid media connection of people in digital spaces and networks. The work forces the participants in the performance to slow down their communication and also locates them in a real space.
The written sheets of the analog chat are then bound into a book in the order in which they were created.
Analog Chat will be performed in Berlin, Basel and Biel.
Direct Action 2012, Month of Performance Art, Abteilung für alles Andere, Berlin (DE) / Aktion-Reaktion, Performance-Abend, Halle 6, Basel / Analog Chat No.3, Lokal-int, Biel

place: Berin (No.1), Basel (No.2), Biel (No.3)
KuratorIn: Stefan Riebel (Berlin), Lena Friedli (Basel), Chri Frautschi (Biel)
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 2h