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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0565)

Dasein im Wegsein (Anwesend/Abwesend)

The art transportation company Kraft E.L.S. AG delivers a large wooden crate for the performance and places it in the middle of the room. After a pre-arranged time, the locked crate is collected again by the same company.
The crate remains exactly as it was delivered the whole time. Meanwhile, soft and louder melodies of a voice can be heard at different intervals from inside the box. The performance explores the tension between different forms of physical and mental presence and absence. How can a person be invisible and yet present in the room at the same time? The voice in the performance becomes a means of creating an abstract form of presence in a purely visual absence, as something that is perceptible but remains intangible.
Fotos: © Rutishauser, Eliane;/Performancepreis Schweiz 2011
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Performancepreis Schweiz

place: Batiment d’art contemporain, Genf
KuratorIn: Performancepreis Schweiz
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Dokumentationsfotos der Performance, sowie Dokumentationsvideo der Performance

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 2h