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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0504)


fragile is a performance consisting of a body covered in bubble wrap that enters into a relationship with its surroundings. In its own temporality, the performance moves together with the audience through the exhibition spaces: the body rolls slowly and irregularly around itself, stops, crawls, changes direction, rests, moves on, turns in a new direction. When it stops moving, the mass of bubble wrap becomes an inanimate object and resembles a freestanding sculpture. The partially visible body parts underneath the sculpture create an eerie sight that blurs the human and object into one another.
If the distance to the performance is reduced, the audience begins to perceive a sound coming from the bubble wrap. Distorted by the plastic, it is indistinct and indefinable. It is reminiscent of heavy breathing, waves or traffic noise. Like the movements of the body, it accelerates, stops, becomes louder or fades away completely.

fragile is a performance made of a body covered in bubblewrap, entering in relation with its environment. The performer slowly and irregularly rolls on themselves, stops, crawls, changes direction, rests, moves further, turns in a new direction. When the body stops moving, the mass of bubblewrap material becomes an unanimated object and resembles a sculpture in a room. Yet with some parts of the body remaining visible, it transmits an uncanny vision as it looks simultaneously human and object.
When the audience and performer get close to each other, the audience can hear an emerging sound from within the bubblewrap. Distorted by the plastic, the sound is obscure and undefinable, resembling heavy breathing, waves or traffic noise. Like the movements of the performer, it accelerates, stops, becomes louder or fades completely away.
The piece takes place without specific starting or ending time; the body moves to their own time. Moving through exhibition rooms with audience, it coexists within the space.
Während der FATart Fair wurde es 4mal gezeigt, zu spontanen, selbst bestimmten Zeiten. Es wurde ein Instagram Beitrag von SRF über das Werk gedreht. Es ist auf meiner Homepage und meinen Instagram Kanal zu finden. fragile wurde ein zweites Mal in den oxyd Kunsträumen am 31.10.2021 gezeigt. Es war Teil des Projektes Kreissaal und an der Finissage der Ausstellung Metalmorphosen gezeigt. fragile wird ein drittes Mal in Genf am 22. Juni 22 in der BØWIE Gallery gezeigt.
4. FATart Fair 2021 / oxyd Kunsträume Winterthur / BØWIE Gallery Genf

place: Hallen für neue Kunst Kammgarn, Schaffhausen / oxyd Kunsträume Winterthur / BØWIE Gallery Genf
KuratorIn: Pauline Della Bianca für FATart, Eve Hübscher für oxyd Kunsträume und Sarah Obrecht für BØWIE
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Trailer und Fotos

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: zwischen 20-90min