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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0400)

ROHSTOFF-Eine Verarbeitung

Between profiteering, self-criticism and indifference, Ariane Anderegge and Ted Gaier attempt to dig through mountains of data in their
performance as non-specialists to dig through mountains of data. Without authorization, they gain access
access to stock market information, report on rare earths, backbreaking labor, profit pumps, mute citizens,
tax havens and capital flight. They unleash a commodity curse in the City Theater camp and
recommend starting mining in Basel for the future.
Performance / Konzept / Musik / Text / Video: Andereggen, Ariane / Ted Gaier Technik: Christoph Stürchler / Christoph Schenk Mit Unterstützung: Paolo Fusi / Peter Ott / Erklärung von Bern / Rahel Ruch / Eva Böhmer / Boris Nikitin / Martin Wigger / Catrin Stömer / und alle die ihre Stimme für die Gemeindeversammlung in Rüschlikon geliehen haben.
It's the real thing Basler Dokumentartage 2015

place: Theater Basel, Basel
KuratorIn: Nikitin, Boris
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Videostills / Flyer

Video 16:9
Dauer: 24:53