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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0378)

Disrupt The Performance #1

In the business world, ?disruption? implies an unconventional idea that leads a company towards a 'good' performance in terms of generating a huge profit. However, in common social parlance, ?disruption? has a negative connotation. Any idea that goes against the grain of the society and the status quo, is considered a 'disruption'.

Galileo?s idea that the earth revolved around the sun was a disruption, as was Socrates? questioning. Both disrupted the 'performance' of a social system and therefore were amply punished. Yet, it was there ideas that opened up new doors for the entire world.

'Disrupt The Performance' stands somewhere on this elusive crisscrossing of the relationships that ?disrupt? and ?performance? hold across their multiple meanings.

During this performance Parvez engages the audience, both directly and indirectly, by creating situations and triggering possibilities for encounters.

*Parvez initiated this series after an incident at the Performance Art Award, 2019.
Photo_01 by Eleni Kougionis (Courtesy Voltage) Photo_02 by Rama Kalidindi

place: Voltage, Basel
KuratorIn: Vujic, Ana
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 35:00