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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0310)

Um Kreis und Linie (A Line through the Periphery)
Nilo, Dawn Nilo, Dawn (Performer)
Künzler, Lilian (Performer)
Schädler, Sabine (Performer)
Würmer, Jana (Performer)
Oehen, Céline (Performer)
tales (Eventcurator:myMotherNeverToldMe)
Kirchner, Robert (Camera)

The performance was made for "Das Haus des Narren" (The Fool's House), an installation in a small house designed to create a rabbit hole into the magic world between wisdom and absurdity. It was inspired by the idea from projective geometry that two parallel lines meet at infinity, so that the house was found at infinity. For the performance I invited four friends to visit me in their fool personas and we filmed our process of living that out. Most of the film footage did not come out and it had to be heavily edited, so I gave up on pure documentation and incorporated the editing into the performance. This process is something that I developed further and more consciously in later performance videos.

place: Artachment
KuratorIn: tales (my mother never told me)
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Digitalisat / digital copy 8mm Film
Dauer: 8:09 Min.