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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-0119)

Myht - Einführung in die Überschreitungswissenschaft

The lecture performance "Myht - Introduction to Transgression Science" provides an introduction to transgression science. The presentation is initiated by the Institute of Transgression Science. This researches the moment of transgression, commonly known as Myht. Our research into the moment of transgression is based on Linda Luv's everyday observations, which are recorded in her diary of transgression.
Fotos von Vera Leisibach.
ON, Abschlussausstellung des MA Critical Image Practice, HSLU Lucerne

place: Stansstad
KuratorIn: MA Critical Image Practice, HSLU Lucerne
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

PDF mit Skript, Fotodokumentation, Video

Dauer: 30:00