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Format: Konzert
Responsible for carrying information to the nerve centers to produce sensations.
Three experimental humans engaging in a collective leap to the improvised unknown scratching the sound sources from the top to the ground making the hall’s walls disappear. Combining acoustic soundscapes very near in space with a farther electronic atmosphere. Mix of crispy and long noises.
My body of work has always been driven by my interests in embodied experience, expanded consciousness, the idea of questioning comfort zones, organic life, conflict between body and mind, feelings and intellect, human and non human, illusion and reality. That is why came the idea to cover my body with clay in order to observe the resulting “object”. A human body gradually disfigures into a kind of creature, eradicating the identity and becoming living works, mutating, creating dialogue, using intuition, impulse and instinct with energy and risk, through the medium of movement, sound and visuals.
Basel, 2022-06-09

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