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Archive des Ephemeren (#zotero2-2317722.FAXAJY4C)

Diagraming Practice: a Workshop exploring Archives and their Relationship to Databases

Newman, Hayley (Presenter)
Reedy, Bryan (Presenter)

During the workshop participants will be invited to think about the organization of their own practices and to map out the key relational hierarchies that they feel are at play. The resulting maps will be used as the starting point for a discussion about the role of databases and archives in supporting ephemeral practices.


place: Kunstmuseum Bern

Rights:  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
DateAdded:  2019-04-14T10:28:01Z
Language:  Englisch
ShortTitle:  Diagrammatische Praxis: ein Workshop, der Archive und ihre Beziehung zu Datenbanken untersucht
DateModified:  2024-04-15T08:36:21Z