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Archive des Ephemeren (#zotero2-2317722.2CZHURE5)

Archives and Databases for Artists by Artists


Hayley Newman and Bryan Reedy are currently developing a flexible, affordable database platform for artists. In this presentation, they will discuss the genesis of the project and explore some of the insights that the process has revealed. Hayley Newman will describe the process of collating, digitizing, and archiving her practice of the last 25+ years. She will discuss the role of documentation, artifacts and other ephemera in the archiving of performance work, also touching on the role of memory in the archiving process and the active part that an archive can play in an ongoing practice. Bryan Reedy will speak about the process of mapping Hayley Newman’s practice as an organizational structure and the ways in which different structures affect the perception of one’s practice both as a practitioner and as an outside viewer.

Key:  2CZHURE5
DateModified:  2024-04-15T08:37:10Z
Language:  Englisch
DateAdded:  2019-04-14T10:28:01Z
ShortTitle:  Archive und Datenbanken für Künstler_innen von Künstler_innen