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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-2026)

Stilllaut - Wenn man mit den Ohren sieht, und mit den Augen hört.
(2019 / 2022)

1st movie: Stilllaut - When you see with your ears and hear with your eyes.

Lua Leirner and Christian Neff have been working together since 2015 and form an unusual ensemble. Their artistic and biographical paths could not be more different. But this is precisely what motivates them. It is their willingness to seek out differences and similarities through improvised performances with spontaneous encounters. Asking silently how the impossible can become feasible. In gesturing movements and the sounds of the violin, they unfold and speak their own unmistakable language.

(Cameraman Franz Bannwart, FIM - Forum for Improvised Music + Dance, Basel, 30.04.2019)

2nd film: (Source Kulturplatz, SRF Kultur)
People with disabilities in the arts: It's high time!

The hearing-impaired performer and museum guide Lua Leirner and the violin teacher and musician Christian Neff, who was born with spina bifida, rehearse for their improvised performances. Together they form the duo StillLAUT.
Additional //
1. Film: FIM Basel - stillLAUT, 30.04.2019, Kameramann Franz Bannwart Voller Länge (16:58 min) Trailer (2:36 min)

place: 1. Film: FIM Basel / 2. Film: Warteck Basel

2. Film: StillLAUT im Kulturplatz, SRF Kultur, 13.03.2022 (Ab 24:33 min StillLAUT)

Video 16:9
Dauer: 1. Film: 16:58 min / 2. Film: 3:48 min