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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-2020)

Simon, Regina Simon, Regina (Performer)
Simon, Regina (Eventcurator)
Luv, Linda (Eventcurator)
Vespi, Natalia (Eventcurator)
Claussen, Michael (Camera)

The light is drawn from the large hall window with the performance material further into the large room.
Narrow strips of paper are thrown over a wooden slat suspended 3 meters below the large window.
The strips, which hang side by side and run out onto the floor, illuminate the room in addition to the window light.

Like a javelin thrower, I take an accelerating sequence of steps from a starting line with each throw, which gives dynamism to the throwing gesture.
the throwing gesture. To add weight to the rather light strips of paper to achieve a certain distance and height, stones are attached to the front.
to achieve a certain distance and height, stones are attached to the front.
"in Erbschaft des Lichtes" verstehe ich an diesem historischen Ort des Glau- bens, der Notunterkunft und eines Künstleratelier als eine die Vergangenheit wertschätzende und vor- sichtige künstlerische Arbeiten, die an Hand von "weissbringenden" Projektionen, Collagen, Maler- eien und performativen Installationen die natürl- iche Beleuchtung unterstützt und somit vorsichtig den wenig übriggebliebenen aussen- und innenar chitektonischen Elemente nachspürt.
In Erbschaft des Lichtes

place: Alte Synagoge Hegenheim, Frankreich
KuratorIn: Simon, Regina; Luv, Linda; Vespi, Natalia
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 6,2min