Revolving Histories (#bangbang-2017)
Lichtkaskade + LICHT-ko’ta’ma (komposition, tanz, malerei)
The artist team Linda Luv/Natalia Wespi and I see the exhibition "Inheritance of Light", in the old synagogue in Hégenheim (F) as a continuation of last year's exhibition "leichtes licht legen" at S11, in Solothurn.
With my work "a touch of white" a slideshow of painting details of old masters with the large-format drawing, the paintings, the light fabric installation and the two performances "light cascade" and "light_ko-ta-ma" I wanted to brighten up the natural lighting and thus put the few remaining memorabilia and architectural elements of this building into the light.
automatically translated from german
In Erbschaft des Lichtes
place: Ausstellung, Alte Synagoge Hegenheim(f)
KuratorIn: Simon, Regina; Luv, Linda; Vespi, Natalia
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action
Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 6,2min +