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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1973)

voix de deux - Tanz - Akkordeon - Stimme

Silence, space and physical presence are the elements of this performance. All registers of expression are pulled out, all senses are challenged and addressed.

Listening Searching Walking
Screaming Voice Mood

Speechless, precise expression - Dorothea Rust and Margrit Schenker's performance encapsulates more than just a theme.
Margrit Schenker and Dorothea Rust had only agreed on the starting position on the chairs. Everything that followed was pure improvisation. They had not decided on the theme, nor the exact duration. Nevertheless, a theme emerged for the evening and a kind of broad pattern that defined the relationship between the two artists during this performance. On the one hand, Amnesty International Zug had invited them to this performance, which was part of the global campaign against human rights violations against women. "We didn't consciously work towards this theme, but we let ourselves be guided by what came to mind. And the theme of the evening came to mind" ... (Quote from newspaper review, Zuger Zeitung, Sept. 5, 1995)
Verschiedene wie Amnesty-International in der Shedhalle Zug, Gemeinschaftszentrum Heuried Zürich, AuaU Festival im Sudhaus Warteck Basel und in der Ziegelei Oberweil Baselland u.a.

place: Verschiedene in der Schweiz
KuratorIn: Verschiedene
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Video Trailer 03:48 Min. Video länger 21:40 Min. Fotos PDFs

Video 16:9
Dauer: 59:00