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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1903)

(2021) /

nonstopillusion ha visitato sette maiali dell'Hof Silberdistel di Holderbank con l'idea di farsi un'idea del comportamento di attenzione dei maiali. Hanno ascoltato i corpi dei maiali con i loro corpi. Hanno fatto balli di gruppo e balli solitari con i sette maiali.
dirt and desire together in the dirt clouds of flies flock of breath interrupting unpredicting cows running downhill lonely bird on the sky worm diving in seeds popping out immediate ongoing good digestion front and back flat view big ears green grass and underneath earth of all our shit and happiness - atten-dance (2021) research project: nonstopillusion choreography and dance: Charlotte Böttger, Maija Ripatti, Yeonji Han mentorship: Rosalind Crisp Supported by Fachausschuss Tanz und Theater BS/BL, Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund . PIG EXCURSION (2021) concept: Charlotte Böttger choreography and dance: the seven pigs, Maija Ripatti, Yeonji Han, Charlotte Böttger film: Yeonji Han edit film: Yeonji Han, Charlotte Böttger location: Hof Silberdistel in Holderbank contact : website :

place: Hof Silberdistel, Holderbank
KuratorIn: Böttger, Charlotte
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: 20min 5sec