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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1891)

Christian Z.
Scheurell, Stefanie Z., Christian (Performer)
Lutz, Anja (Eventcurator)
Scheurell, Stefanie (Camera)

The actions were created in Thurgau in the context of the "Christian Z." portrait project.

In "Christian Z.", Stefanie Scheurell uses photography to explore the turbulent life of juggler Christian. A character whose life is constantly on the edge of social norms - between healthy and sick, both physically and mentally. While the artist's search initially focused on human abysses, madness and addiction, she often came across the exact opposite during her aesthetic research. For although the main character's biography is full of "flaws", it contains numerous hopeful moments and shows how a "reset" can succeed. Stefanie Scheurell translates her subjective impressions into an archive of photographs, which are accompanied by autobiographical texts by the main character. Her personalized stories are intended to encourage people to enter into a dialogue about borders, thresholds and how to overcome them.
Lara Bader
The Green Box Kunst Editionen

place: Konstanz
KuratorIn: Lutz, Anja
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: je 60:00