Unsteady standing? Tipping over? Falling? Hanging? Take off? Want to take off? Fall? Upwind? Air pocket? Lightness? Falling? Catch? Landing? Being on the move? Falling? Hovering? Intermediate state? Flying? Falling?
A figure in an (almost) suspended state
A clear light casts its shadow on a white wall
A soundtrack associated with ...
In "bon voyage", a moving image is created that defies the limitations of space: the statics of an installation, the means is limited movement, associations with flying (boundless locomotion)? projecting the figure as a shadow on the wall breaks the law of limited space, takes it out of its confines.
"bon voyage" is a fragile intermediate state, in a place of transition. There is still movement, but in which direction is it leading, which train is being yielded to, where is the journey going?
automatically translated from german
2006 datanzda "Solo in Grenzen", Dadahaus, Zürich
2007 BlackBox Kuzeb, Bremgarten
m.a. Studio, Baden
2016 shnit_16, Internationales Kurzfilmfestival Bern
Video ist von shnit_16
DaTanzDa "Solo in Grenzen"
place: Dadahaus, Zürich
KuratorIn: Rosset, Anne; Aechter, Angelika
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action