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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1755)

Mir geht's gut 1 bis 3 (Serie)
(2006, 2007)

All three performances are based on a similar scenario, each time adapted to the specific local conditions and their framing: once at a performance art festival in a large turbine hall in the countryside, then at a performance festival in a city by the river, and finally at a performance competition in an art gallery.

"Dorothea Rust comes into the narrow, long art space with a large bundle of branches. The first thing she does is unroll a large landscape in front of us. We are on the prairie, where the cowboys live, behaving like heroes, gesticulating, dueling and falling victim to their own construction, becoming waverers. In just a few strokes, Rust paints a picture of lust, of incapacity, breaks and attempts, of confidence and playfulness. She makes things slightly crazy and thus creates meaning. The imaginary scenery transforms the film set into a communicative situation in the here and now. Rust fabricates a dangerously expressive manifestation. "You're fine", "Everyone's fine", she writes on pieces of paper and sticks them on branches. Then she asks the audience in a friendly manner: "May I lift you?" Now she picks up individual people she "blindly" selects from the audience. Everything has its weight in the truest sense of the word. The intense, cheerful and joyful carrying of people, almost to the point of exhaustion, is followed by an echo. She fills the room with her voice, always walking, pushing the branch as a guiding fork that absorbs the resistance of the ground and gives the staggering person traction. ... ."
(Excerpt from the jury report of the all-Swiss performance competition)
Mir geht' gut 1: Fotos: Georg Anderhub Mir geht's gut 2: Fotos © Anne Rosset 13, 14, 22—24, 28, 29, 36—40, 43—45, 47 // Fotos © Michel Güntert 1—12, 15—21, 25—27, 30—35, 41, 42, 46, 48—52 Mir geht's gut 3: Video © Christoph Oertli für Kunstkredit
International Performance Art 06 / stromereien Performance Festival Zürich / SICHT AUF DAS ORIGINAL - PERFORMANCE 2007 Kunstkreditkommission, Ressort Kultur, Erziehungsdepartement Basel-Stadt Gesamtschweizerischer Performancewettbewerb

place: Turbinenhalle Giswil, Giswil; Tanzhaus Wasserwerk und im öffentlichen Raum an der Limmat, Zürich; Kunsthalle Baselland, Muttenz/Basel
KuratorIn: Monika, Günther; Schill, Ruedi; Stromereien; Holzhausen, Bettina; Schlegel, Meret; Lux, Harm; Eine Koproduktion mit Tanzhaus Zürich / Kunstkreditkommission, Ressort Kultur, Erziehungsdepartement Basel-Stadt
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

2 Fotoserien 1 Video

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: je 30 - 40 Min.