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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1749)


The performance Body Temperature took place as part of Delhi Days, a project that I initiated on the occasion of my Pro Helvetia residency in New Delhi. Delhi Days with workshop and the performance day Body Temperature took place at the Gati Dance Center and in the public space of the urban village Khirki Extension.

The first time I was taken to the Khirki Extension urban village in an auto-rickshaw, we got stuck in traffic on the "Main Road", a natural dust road that runs from north to south through this part of the city. I got out and continued on foot. Everything I encountered on this short journey, about 3 weeks before the performance, and every time I drove back into the village and walked along the roadside, provided the humus for my performance course "Body-Temperature" towards the end of my stay in Delhi.
Together with three workshop participants who accompanied me on my course, we laid down the following instructions: document what I do, what they see and hear, what they do themselves, according to their interest and possibilities; they can interact with me and also with the people on the street with whom I come into contact. Vandana, by no means wanted to appear as a performer; she used her iPhone as a recording device, was always at a distance from me and commented on what she saw like a reporter. Neha Narayan borrowed a professional recording device and was always close by making acoustic recordings of the sounds while we were out and about, Preeti Singh chipped in with a drawing and writing pad.
Künstler*innen Performance-Tag Body-Temperature: Manas Acharya (Kolkata) Smitha Cariappa (Bangalore) Dimple Shah (Bangalore) Inder Salim (Delhi) Dorothea Rust (Zürich) Pinak Banik (Kolkata), Taufik (Kolkata) WALA Collective: Sujit Mallik, Paribharthan, Akansa und Workshop-Teilnehmer*innen
Fotoserie Audio Reportage Vandana Plakat Delhi-Workshop with Delhi-Performance Day Body temperature
file Dorothea_Rust_2013_Bodytemperature_Audio_Vandana.MP3 has unknown mimetype application/octet-stream
Performance-Day «Body-Temperature», im Rahmen von Delhi Day mit Workshop für Künstler*innen und Student*innen aus Indien

place: Gati Dance Forum und im öffentlichen Raum im Urban-Village Khirki Extension, New Delhi
KuratorIn: Dorothea Rust in Zusammenarbeit mit Smitha Cariappa und Suresh Kumar, beide aus Bangalore, mit Unterstützung von Pro Helvetia New Delhi
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotoserie PDF Audio

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 35-40 Min.