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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1737)

L'animoteur 5 + 6 - selfie or I am donkey
Rust, Dorothea; Stutz, Milva Rust, Dorothea (LivePerformance,Intervention)
Sevova, Dimitrina (BeschriftungPerformanceBekleidung,BegleiterinÜbersetzerin)
Sevova, Dimitrina (Eventcurator)
Swoboda, Katharina (Eventcurator:KoKuratiert)
Mirazchiev, Emil (Eventcurator:KoKuratiert)
Selfies: Dorothea Rust / Selfies als (Camera:Video-)

L'animoteur 5 + 6 - selfie or I am donkey took place in two parts in Plovdiv Bulgaria: once as a live performance and intervention in an indoor and outdoor space, then as a video installation with performance objects in an exhibition.

"L'animoteur" is the title of a series of performances and image-objects. It refers to Jacques Derrida's 10-hour speech on the autobiographical animal from 1997, which was subsequently transcribed: "L'animal que donc je suis" ("The animal that I am").
The performance begins in the interior of the 'Antic Bath' with a prologue (in English). It is about Jacques Derrida's speech "L'animal que donc je suis" and about the donkey as the oldest van in the world and its appearances in (world) literature. The performance goes outside and leads through the main shopping street of Plovdiverse It is Saturday, many people from the surrounding villages are out shopping and enjoying themselves in the city. I ask passers-by: "May I make a selfie with you?". If the answer is yes, a picture is taken, which is usually the start of a conversation that I begin with the questions: "Have you ever met a donkey?" or "Have you had an experience with a donkey?" and then "Did you ever touch a donkey?" and "What do you think of donkeys?". Dimitrina Sevova accompanies me and translates into Bulgarian. Many passers-by have experience with donkeys and share it with me, because in Bulgaria the donkey is still an everyday and working animal and is widely used in the countryside.
Digital Ecologies, Fold I «Operaismo Naturale», vom 27. Juli bis 5. September 2018 ein internationales Gruppenausstellungsprojekt (in zwei Teilen*). Mit Gesprächen, Interventionen und Performances. Digital Ecologies zeigt Kunstwerke, die sich mit ökologischen Belangen auseinandersetzen und eine Kombination aus Öko-Kunst, emanzipatorischer Kunstpraxis und engagierten ästhetischen Erfindungen schaffen. Ausstellung / Interventionen: Donatella Bernardi / Ursula Biemann / Luchezar Boyadjiev / Delphine Chapuis Schmitz / Voin de Voin & Simone Gilges / Jonas Etter / David Jacques / Monica Ursina Jäger / knowbotiq / Dominique Koch / Marlene Maier / Boyan Manchev / Angela Melitopoulos/ Uriel Orlow / Ursula Palla / Elena Peytchinska / Elodie Pong / Isabel Reiß / Oliver Ressler / Dorothea Rust / Kerstin Schroedinger / Pascal Schwaighofer / Sandro Steudler / Axelle Stiefel / Kamen Stoyanov / Milva Stutz / Katharina Swoboda / Una Szeemann & Bohdan Stehlik / Lena Maria Thüring / Alexander Tuchaček. *Digital Ecologies, Fold II «Digital Dramatizations: Ecologies from the Future», vom 4. Mai bis zum 29. Juli 2019, erweitertes Ausstellungsprojekt, das auf der ersten Ausstellung und ihrem Kontext aufbaut, mit begleitendem Symposium.
Digital Ecologies 2018–2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Fold I, 2018. Operaismo Naturale: Ecology of the Event

place: Center for Contemporary Art ‘Ancient Bath’ und former tobacco warehouse SKLAD, Plovdiv Bulgarien
KuratorIn: Sevova, Dimitrina; Swoboda, Katharina (Ko-kuratiert); Mirazchiev, Emil (Ko-kuratiert)
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera

Selfies aus Live-Performance und Intervention Selfies als (Video-)Film für Installation

Video 16:9
Dauer: ca. 2 Std.