The group Raumflucht im Film, Xenja Füger and Milena Meier live, make a path through inner and real spaces
Seeing spaces on location; The group Raumflucht im Film and Xenja Füger, Milena Meier live make a path through inner and real spaces. In the newly emerging Tanzhaus Zürich, Did Schaffer and 5 dancers stage various stages of the magnificent building with video recordings. The search for orientation, order and curiosity about new things promise an exciting dialog with the multi-layered performance between dance in the film projection and the live performance of the dancers.
automatically translated from german
Eröffnung des neuen Tanzhauses
place: Zürich
KuratorIn: Tanzhaus Zürich
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action