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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1598)

Wer wagt’s? – Who dares? (Hotdog)
Maag, Irene Jonas, Martin (Eventcurator:Verein,KooperativeKoop)
Dr. Stoffregen, Anna (Eventcurator:Verein,KooperativeKoop)
Fotos by Anna Stoffregen und stewismedia (Camera)

In public spaces, I pull a fanned kettle grill on four "legs" with wheels behind me on a lead as if it were my dog. I am wearing a skin-colored full-body bodysuit. A sausage is tied to a string around my loins.
I often approach passers-by, for example by asking them if they have an appetite. Who dares to tear off the sausage penis and fry it on the grill?
The performance is over as soon as the first person has fried and eaten the sausage, or it is carried out or repeated over a period of around two hours or along a certain route.
Partizipative Performance im öffentlichen Raum Performance-Orte und Daten: 22. + 23. 08. 2014 Deutschland, München, Isarsprudel Tanz- und Performancefestival, entlang der Isar 20. 9. 2014 Schweiz, Zürich, Fünfte Performance-Reihe Neu-Oerlikon im Oerlikerpark 16. 10. 2014 Deutschland, Leipzig, blauverschiebung no7, Marktplatz und Umgebung 21. + 23. 11. 2014 Spanien, Madrid, Acción!MAD14 - XI Encuentro de Arte de Acción, Matadero
Tanz- und Performancefestival „Isarsprudel“ 2014

place: München
KuratorIn: Jonas, Martin (Verein; Kooperative Koop); Dr. Stoffregen, Anna (Verein; Kooperative Koop)
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: Performance 1.5 bis 2.5 Stunden