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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1595)

DAS DEUTSCHE HANDWERK beleuchtet Maag, Georgette; (Schweiz) beim Jodeln

Georgette climbs onto the VW bus of "Das Deutsche Handwerk", which serves as her mountain. Meanwhile, Thomas and Sebastian (Das Deutsche Handwerk) drive in another car in a wide arc around the festival grounds towards the bus. They stop at a distance of about 100 meters, get out at the same time with a jack each, put it on both sides and simultaneously crank up the front of the car until the headlights illuminate Georgette, who is now standing on the roof of the bus. As soon as she is illuminated, she begins to yodel Rugguuserli.

Natural yodeling, Rugguuserli: the word is said to be derived from the French word "roucouler" (to coo). This is how the French are said to have named the peculiar guttural, wordless songs of the Appenzell mercenaries. They liked to yodel together in the evenings. In France, however, they were forbidden to do so on pain of death. Because the next day some of them deserted out of homesickness, "la maladie suisse". - Yodeling is rooted in many cultures. Singing that can disarm without words. An affair of the heart.
Das Deutsche Handwerk: Thomas Raschke und Sebastian Rogler (Zusammenarbeit 1993 – 2013) Die Dokumentation der Performance ist leider rudimentär. Es liess sich bei allen Beteiligten kein weiteres Bildmaterial auftreiben. Final Cut (at night) fand an zwei Orten vom 22. – 24. Juni 2001 in Paris statt: Die Ausstellung in der Galerie «espace public», das Festival am 23.6.01 ab 21 Uhr auf dem grossen Parkplatz bei der Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris statt, mit Videoprojektionen auf eine Brandmauer, DJ’s, Performance Pressecommuniqué, Einladung und Aufkleber liegen bei als PDF. Ein Projekt von: Markus Häberlin, Basel Eric Carstensen, Mannheim
Fotografie: Markus Häberlin Videomaterial: Susanne Hofer
Final Cut (at night)

place: Paris
KuratorIn: Carstensen, Eric; Häberlin, Markus
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotografie, Video, PDF

Video 4:3
Dauer: 25:00