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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1560)

Exhibitio (Pictures at an Exhibition): »Self Presentation and Self Destruction«
Atem, Gen [S213] Atem, Gen [S213] (InZusammenarbeitMitDemSymphonieOrchesterBielSolothurn(TOBS)
Atem, Gen [S213] (Eventcurator)
Bossard, Miriam (Camera)

The composition "Pictures at an Exhibition" by Modest Mussorgsky is a musical homage to a painter. As contemporary artists, we reverse this process in an interdisciplinary performance: We interpret the music on a visual level. In doing so, we thematize the self-portraying, exhibitionistic component, which seems to be particularly widespread and necessary among artists today. And it is precisely there that we encounter Mussorgsky - who was already a shrewd self-promoter in the 19th century with his piano performances - in a zeitgeist that reveals itself to be both highly topical and eternal.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Symphonie-Orchester Biel-Solothurn (TOBS), Intendant Dieter Kägi unter der musikalischen Leitung von Kapar Zehnder als Dirigent. Live Performance: Atem, Gen; und S213. Fotografie: Miriam Bossard.
Konzert und Kunst: Bilder einer Ausstellung

place: Kiesofenhalle, Attisholz-Areal, Solothurn
KuratorIn: Atem, Gen [S213]
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 40:00