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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1547)


Beginning 2019 watching my one year old daughter's postures and games I started a choreographic research on the body sitting on the ground, whose gestures, presence and imaginaries are born from the immediate relationship generated by this situation. Raw choreography, architecture of the seat and games of its possibilities. How does the point move, become dynamic, grow or atrophy? What relationships with the world, what myths, what figures are invoked and visit us? Who is sitting on the ground? Manifestation of a body resisting the movement of the world Sitting celebrates the dull and subterranean power of the ground and those who bond with it. On the ground sit children, pacifist demonstrators, strikers, sit-ins, esoterics, backpackers, prisoners of war, the vanquished, meditators, talking circles, lovers, the wounded, beggars , the drunkards, the exhausted, the root beings. Drop, land, anchored, seated, inscribed, there, part, cupule, building, soil, garden, stone, dolmen, cairn, mountain, hamlet, refuge, foundation, basement, support, humus, receptacle, fountain, stationary, basin, bowl, basin, jar, vase, anal, ring, anus, Cain, Diogenes, Bashô, and many others. Sitting on the ground, cross-legged, in a river, in a gravel pit, in the tower, for a vigil, at your bedside, on the edge of a precipice, in happiness, on your fortune, on your positions, around the fire, at church, at school, sitting the dog, besieged.
Dance First. Think Later

place: Genf
KuratorIn: Dance First. Think Later
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Video 16:9
Dauer: 43'15''