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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1545)

Krieg und Frieden
Vögtli, Lex Künstlerhaus Schmiedengasse 11, Solothurn (Eventcurator)
Cavoli, Mario (Camera:Fotos)
Vögtli, Lex (Camera:Videostills)

Material: table with various everyday objects, water basin, white pedestal, video camera on tripod, spotlight, video projection, 18' soundtrack with original fragments from animal documentaries hung together.

Vögtli generates the images for the film, which is simultaneously projected onto the wall above her, to the soundtrack in front of the audience and the running camera. As in a puppet show, she animates the objects provided: cervelats and cipolatas represent sea lions and seals, spaghetti and a mop represent sea anemones, pepper mills large and small represent a praying mantis with a male, bedside lamps are chickens, butter with a shoehorn inserted is beaver, two taps are stalk-eye flies, etc. The result is a documentary animal film on the aspect of fighting. Ten animal species are shown in conflict situations with different motifs. In the 'credits', the terms 'war' and 'peace' are explained.
It is about a comparative view of the causes of conflicts and how they are carried out in the world of animals and humans. At the same time, the performance sheds light on the way people talk about animals in reports and how they interpret them.
Die Performance wurde bereits 2006 anlässlich von „Sicht auf das Original“ im Kunsthaus Baselland gezeigt.
Lex Vögtli, Künstlerhaus Schmiedengasse 11, Solothurn (Einzelausstellung)

place: Künstlerhaus S11, Solothurn
KuratorIn: Künstlerhaus Schmiedengasse 11, Solothurn
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Fotografien und Videostills

Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 18:00