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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1542)

Seashell Eyes
Vögtli, Lex Genhart, Gertrud (Eventcurator)
Hänggi, Edith (Eventcurator)
Rinderknecht, Marianne (Eventcurator)
Genhart, Gertrud (Camera)
Hänggi, Edith (Camera)
Rinderknecht, Marianne (Camera)

Material: Hotel room with TV monitor, video camera, record player, record player, speakers, flashlight, toilet paper.

The door of the hotel room is open. Nobody seems to be there. Some personal belongings are lying around. The bed is unmade. There is a record player on the bedside table. A Beatles song is playing; 'Julia'. On the television by the window you can see the eyes of a crying young woman.
At some point, the visitor realizes that he is not alone in the room; at the latest when he sees two feet under the covers and a hand that puts the record player arm back on the beginning of the song when it ends.
Vögtli buries himself in the bed of a hotel room with a video camera to cry for four hours, which is broadcast live on the television monitor. The performance is about the intimacy of grief.

place: Hotel "Blumenstein" in Frauenfeld
KuratorIn: Genhart, Gertrud; Hänggi, Edith; Rinderknecht, Marianne
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)
Dauer: 240:00