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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1538)

Règles d’or / Goldene Regel
Maag, Irene Summe und PANCH, Lupe Basel (Eventcurator)
Töpfer, Axel (Camera:Video)
Mes, Willem (Camera:Fotos)

For the Summe Jubiläum + Auftakt at HUMBUG, PANCH was looking for committed Basel performers through a call for applications. The participants were invited directly or drawn by lot from among the applicants.

Dancing to the music, I enter and continue dancing at the performance venue. Fine grains of gold trickle between my legs onto the black felt-covered floor.
I begin to write on the floor with the grains of gold: GOLDEN RULE / BEKENNE PERFORMANCE by forming the grains into letters and words with my hands. The writing on the floor is filmed by a live video camera and projected onto a screen.
I pull clay shoes - which sound phonetically similar to sneakers, and look similar - towards me on a string. I put them on and smudge the writing with the clay shoes, dancing. The golden grains settle in the soles of the clay shoes so that they end up with a golden sole.
The performance is a celebration and appreciation of menstrual bleeding and fertility in the broadest, also creative, sense. It thematizes golden rules and appreciates recurring and transient cycles.

Music: 17 Hippies, Worksong
„Summe Jubiläum + Auftakt im HUMBUG – Freitag 1.11.2019 Das 5-jährige Jubiläum und der diesjährige Summe-Auftakt werden am 1. November 2019 mit musikalischen Live Acts, DJ’s und einem mehrstündigen Performanceprogramm im HUMBUG gefeiert. Das Performance Art Network CH (PANCH) lädt mit der Lupe auf Basler Performancekünstler*innen ein, aktuelle performative Strategien kennenzulernen und über diese zu reflektieren. Performanceprogramm, 16 – 21h Mit: Ariane Andereggen, Christina Galli, Parvez Imam, Marlijn Karsten & Cécile Baumgartner Vizkelety, Lugeon, Ariane; Maag, Irene;, Louisa Marxen, MIRZLEKID, Müller, Anina; Elise Pautard, Seeger, Nadine;, Miriam Spoolder, Vanessa Jasmin Rothen, Mimi von Moos, Marilola Wili Moderiert von Jasmin Glaab, Madörin, Fränzi; und Regn, Chris;. Organisiert durch PANCH“
Fotos: Willem Mes Video: Axel Töpfer Musik: 17 Hippies, Worksong
Summe Jubiläum + Auftakt

place: Humbug, Basel
KuratorIn: Summe und PANCH, Lupe Basel
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

- Video Axel Töpfer - Fotos Willem Mes

Video 16:9
Dauer: 13:44 Min.