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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1531)

Lipp, Dominik Rohde, Martin (Eventcurator)
Feuchter, Meinrad (Eventcurator)
Rohde, Martin (Camera)

The internationally active performance and visual artist from Rupperswil put on an all-day performance on the street in front of the Künstlerhaus. Like a mayfly, he might be "born" in the morning and "die" in the evening. A cycle of emergence and disappearance, of awakening and falling asleep. A cycle of coming and going. The artist, dressed in white, walked up and down Schmiedengasse hour after hour with a handcart full of ice cubes, leaving an ice cube at each fountain. And he not only attracted the attention of passers-by, but also that of local residents, so that the police were called after just one hour. They probably thought it was a "runaway", but it was "only" an artist, admittedly a "runaway".
1er Jours des éphémères

place: Künstlerhaus S11, Solothurn
KuratorIn: Rohde, Martin; Feuchter, Meinrad
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 8h