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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1529)

Haschke, Denise Rohde, Martin (Eventcurator)
Feuchter, Meinrad (Eventcurator)
Rohde, Martin (Camera)

Part of a series of works under the title "il cuntrari d'alv/the opposite of white" which deals with the different aspects of the colors green and white. These are the dominant colors in the alpine habitat, which is determined by snow-white winters and the short green vegetation period. The winter-white dress becomes a canvas and the chlorophyll green jewels on the chain melt over the dress. As the snow and ice melt, they are displaced and the green chlorophyll of the vegetation increasingly takes their place.
6ème Jours des éphémères

place: Künstlerhaus S11, Solothurn
KuratorIn: Rohde, Martin; Feuchter, Meinrad
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 4h