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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1516)

Maag, Irene Wilke, Alice (Eventcurator)
Fuchs, Simone (Camera:Fotos,Querformate)
Maag, Irene (Camera:Fotos,Hochformat)

For her performance / installation Grenzgang as part of the group exhibition How to blur lines at Kraftwerk Augst, Maag, Irene; uses everyday and site-specific materials. It is a material that she discovered at Kraftwerk Augst: transparent pressed plastic bales with packaged, colored cleaning rags. Several pallets of these bales are stacked up to form a bulwark in the room. During her performance, in which she performs a controlled dive on the large crane, the fortress is brought down. Afterwards, the artist transforms the ruins into a colorful installation made of fabric. The individual rags are knotted together and made into patchwork flags, which are hung in the exhibition. The artist publicly demolishes her work with the performance and at the same time builds a liberated alternative from it. She thus becomes a border crosser and silently proclaims new patchwork states with the flags. Throughout the duration of the exhibition, the material remains visible as a relic of the performance and as a changing installation.
Material der Performance/Installation: 4,5t Stoffballen Ausstellung 'How to blur lines', 20. April bis 18. Mai 2017 im Kraftwerk Augst mit: Alexandra vom Endt, David Siepert, Stefan Baltensperger, Andreas Schneider, Günter Müller, Maag, Irene;. Ich danke folgenden Personen und Firmen: – DELTA Zofingen AG für das Projektsponsoring von 4.5 Tonnen Pressballen mit Altkleider-Putzlappen. Heinke Zöller (Leiterin Marketing) Marc Schmidlin (Geschäftsführer) – Ausstellungsteam mit Alexandra vom Endt und Alice Wilke – Team Kraftwerk Augst mit Michael Krarup (Techn. Leitung) und Urs Rychener (Kranführung) – Thomas Markstaller, Tobias Erzberger, Robi Rehnelt (Sicherheitstechnik) – Sibylle Völkin (Aufbau & Performancebegleitung) – Didier Maag (Aufbau) – Familie Uribe (Aufbau & Kinderbetreuung) – Fuchs, Simone; (Fotografie) – Muriel Kunz (Video)
Ausstellung "How to blur lines"

place: Kraftwerk Augst
KuratorIn: Wilke, Alice
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotoserie (Reihenfolge am Ende vom Dateinamen benennen!) / Photo series (name sequence at the end of the file name!)