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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1499)

Maag, Irene Maag, Irene (Performer)
Casty, Carmen (Performer) (Eventcurator)
Kunz, Muriel (Camera)

"No half measures!" wrote Maag, Irene; as a manifesto and initial concept for the supporting program of the Performance Prize Switzerland 2016 and did not mean any half-cantonal celebrations in the name of culture, as in the cultural field city and country belong together, are mutually dependent and form a balanced structure. In the 'Stabstreffen' video, a potential reunification of the two Basel cantons is celebrated as a fairy tale. A staff from Basel and a staff from Basel walk together through the countryside near Lupsingen and find, among other things, their common new center (which is located in the canton of Solothurn near St. Pantaleon)

Supporting program Performance Prize Switzerland 2016 in Lupsingen:
'Finding center points'
Maag, Irene; was invited to engage thematically with Lupsingen, the cantonal center of Basel-Landschaft near Lupsingen and/or the inhabitants of Lupsingen in the form of artistic actions in the run-up to and within the framework of the Swiss Performance Award 2016. This resulted in the performance videos 'Nabel meiner Welt' and 'Stabstreffen', the live performance 'Stabstreffen Teil ll' with Ainhoa Maag, as well as the art education project 'Mittelpunkte finden'. The background to these works is, on the one hand, the consideration that midpoints are a matter of definition. On the other hand, questions arose: What kind of midpoints move you personally and where is your own center?
Rahmenprogramm Performancepreis Schweiz 2016

place: Lupsingen
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera

Video: Muriel Kunz Videostill: Maag, Irene;

Video 16:9
Dauer: 4:58 Min.