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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1498)

Maag Unikat

Participatory performance by Maag, Irene;
19.3.2016 Basel, Sääli zum goldenen Fass, KUNST in dr BÄIZ performance soiree
Spectators can decide which parts of the performer's body they would like to see molded in salt dough. Numbered and labeled/signed as a MAAG UNIKAT, they can take the resulting performance relic and artefact with them, together with the terms and conditions, in return for a sum of money determined by them. In return, their name and address will be recorded: Personal details and a donation are exchanged for the experience and performance relic/artifact.

With the performance, the artist reflects on her own body, refers to sculptural processes (molding, negative production) and links them to domestic materials and activities.
The performance raises general questions of everyday life, its fictions, as well as economic questions and those of art production and the art market: Art and the body as a service?
The performance allows us to reflect on art as a service or power and role relations. Is the position of women in art one of equality? In both modern sculpture and pornography, women - in the role of models - have been and are depicted naked and the female body is marketed. In the performance, Maag, Irene, is both author and model and is in control of her own body. Which body parts does the audience want to be molded? The recording and photographic documentation of the exchange provides a lasting overview and at the same time exercises social control together with the people present.
Text: Maag, Irene; / Andrina Jörg
Fotos by Raphael Stucky

place: Basel, Sääli zum goldenen Fass
KuratorIn: [Dr. Kuckucks Labrador]
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Video: MaagIrene_2016_MaagUnikat Fotoserie: MaagIrene_2016_MaagUnikat_1-5_FotoStuckyRaphael

Video 16:9
Dauer: 16:50 Min.