An avatar from the ocean of information, PRICE explores the emotional disorientation of a generation that has grown up with mass culture, neoliberalism and the omnipresence of the Internet. His body of work ranges from the club to the theater to the art gallery, using a variety of contexts to assert nostalgia, rootlessness, frustration and solitude as the framework conditions of contemporary life. In an age of social networking and reality TV, when storytelling has invaded the entire collective imagination, the artist's singular presence, at once sincere and ambiguous, synthetic and intimate, has the value of bearing witness.
automatically translated from french
Extraball CCS, Paris - carte blanche Les Urbaines
place: CCS
KuratorIn: de Rham, Patrick; Rochat, Ysaline
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action