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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1416)

Das magische Theater: ein Performance Labyrinth
[Kabinett der Visionäre] Michel Conrad, Yvonne (Performer)
Gienal,Yvonne (Performer)
Hunziker, Nadia (Performer)
Inauen, Priska (Performer)
Suter, Magdalena (Performer)
Torp, Rahel (Performer)
Conrad, Yvonne Michel (Eventcurator)
Shirali, Sajad (Camera)
Manzoomeh, Khatereh (Camera)

Cabinet of Visionaries, Sägenstrasse 75
Artist in residence: October 27 to November 10, 2017
Premiere: November 11, 2017 11:11, Long Saturday 2017
November 11, 2017 from 11:11 to 23:23

A labyrinth performance theater: Hermann Hesse's "Steppenwolf" is the basis of the performance filled with art and culture. Artists let their learning process flow into the labyrinth, which consists of a wide variety of spaces. Each artist was given the task of designing and realizing a space. The Magic Theater was developed together over 2 weeks and then performed on 11 November 2017 from 11:11 to 12 November 23:23.

In different rooms, the theater visitors were guided through life. Basically, every visitor was on their own until the last room, the big masked ball. The aim was for the guests to play their way through the labyrinth one by one and thus all become protagonists themselves: "The world and the experience they are looking for is to be found within themselves all the time: "You know where this other world lies hidden, that it is the world of your own soul that you are looking for. I cannot give you anything that does not already exist within yourself, I cannot open up any other picture room for you than the one to your soul."
Produktions- und Workshopleitung: Yvonne Michel Conrad Trägerschaft Künstlerkollektiv: Kabinett der Visionäre
Das Magische Theater-Der Film:
file The Cafe Mozart Waltz - Electric Zither.mp3 has unknown mimetype application/octet-stream
Langer Samstag 2017

place: Kabinett der Visionäre, Sägentsrasse 75, 7000 Chur
KuratorIn: Conrad, Yvonne Michel
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

auch Fotos vorhanden

Video 4:3
Dauer: 7 min