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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1408)

does it give you the shivers?

Three different female voices sound from three audio boxes that delimit the space.
The voices seem to be talking to each other; a conversation about the appropriation of space through
pollution - inherent to human beings -, territorial behavior through marking possession
and ownership. Body odor, urine, language, art; various forms of appropriation are
appropriation are thematized.
The four performers move around a seemingly ritualistic circle that has previously been drawn with charcoal on a concrete square.
drawn with charcoal on a concrete square. They mask each other with healing earth,
mark the ground with charcoal, drink water from various glass vessels, run and rest.
rest. The speed and urgency increases until they meet in a circle to urinate together.
Traces and markings are left behind - a drawing made of charcoal and urine.

place: irgendwo auf einem Parkplatz
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Video 16:9, Video 16:9, PDF

Video 16:9
Dauer: 10:00