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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1367)

HitStories - Diane Rivoire & Johana Blanc — JE/TU (NOUS)


HitStories is a programme of performative events and workshops curated by flight of fancy and taking place at HIT, a Geneva-based art space, between May 2021 and May 2022. Each episode of HitStories highlights, over a few days, the practice of an artist at HIT. Events (conversations, workshops, etc.) aimed at deepening the research carried out by the artists accompany their performative intervention.

This work is produced by Johana Blanc and Diane Rivoire who both put text, writing and reading at the centre of their artistic practice. For JE / TU (NOUS), they invite each other to move their words, whether it be in the field of performance for Diane or publishing for Johana. They thus weave a collaborative work in the form of transcriptions of telephone conversations and exchange of references and place their voices together in space for the first time.

Their performance and installation address, in a revisited conference, the mnemonic art of the theatre of memory. A dialogue that tends to be an exercise of horizontal admiration, in which appropriation and identification become blurred, and attempts to locate a plural I among a stream of intertwined words. An importance is given to the voice, to its modulations according to its address, to its fragility, its silences, its hesitations, its breath for love of words and feminist texts in particular.

HitStories is supported by Pro Helvetia, la Loterie Romande, la Ville de Genève, la fondation Leenaards, le Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, DCS, Genève and la Fondation du Jubilé de la Mobilière Suisse Société Coopérative.
+ videos

place: HIT
KuratorIn: Alicia Reymond for her curatorial project flight of fancy
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Constance Brosse (Video)

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 1h