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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1363)

HitStories - Fatima Wegmann — Follow the white rabbit


HitStories is a programme of performative events and workshops curated by flight of fancy and taking place at HIT, a Geneva-based art space, between May 2021 and May 2022. Each episode of HitStories highlights, over a few days, the practice of an artist at HIT. Events (conversations, workshops, etc.) aimed at deepening the research carried out by the artists accompany their performative intervention.

Follow the white rabbit is a new audiovisual performance and installation by artist Fatima Wegmann based on a principle of resonance between various personal narratives, experiences, dreams and cosmovisions. She established dialogues between voices, movements, symbols, objects and music that lead her on a path of healing and freedom to be in the world.

With this new production, she embarked on a more sculptural and embodied exploration of the issues that underlie her approach, namely to create spaces for action through compassionate listening to oneself and others.

Fatima Wegmann also ran an organic writing workshop, a healing writing method developed by Chicana author, poet, academic and feminist activist Gloria Anzaldúa. The workshop was followed by an embodiment exercise aimed at releasing our bodies, organs and emotions.

HitStories is supported by Pro Helvetia, la Loterie Romande, la Ville de Genève, la fondation Leenaards, le Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, DCS, Genève and la Fondation du Jubilé de la Mobilière Suisse Société Coopérative.
+ video

place: HIT
KuratorIn: Alicia Reymond for her curatorial project flight of fancy
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

Constance Brosse (Video)

Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 27 - 30 May 2021