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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1221)

The Gathering am Performance-Festival perFORM 2021! im Kunstdepot Winterthur 2021

Hochuli, Gisela; Lipp, Dominik Hochuli, Gisela (Performer)
Ackermann, Glynis (Performer)
Kulka, Irena (Performer)
Seeger, Nadine (Performer)
Spedicato, Francesco (Performer)
Goessi, Markus (Performer)
Künzler, Astrid (Eventcurator)
Nienburg, Rob (Camera)
Seeger, Nadine (Camera)
Künzler, Astrid (Camera)

Oppensessionperformancetreffen since 2013 Gisela Hochuli and I organize "The Gathering". Twice a year, up to 20 performance artists meet in public places or at festivals to perform together. We usually work for four hours and then eat spaghetti and drink wine together. "The Gathering" is part of PANCH, the performance art network in Switzerland.
The Gathering has existed since 2013 and is a format for performing together in public space and exchanging ideas afterwards. It is initiated and organized by Gisela Hochuli and Dominik Lipp approximately twice a year. The aim is to practice and reflect on collaboration in performance art: How does it come about? How does practical collaboration between performance artists work? How is it perceived and reflected upon?
Das Eingabeformular mit Metadaten hat sich zu früh abgeschickt evtl. sind nicht alle Angaben eingegeben worden -- Fotos sind von Nadine Seeger (img_3000 etc) sowie von Astrid Künzler (img_7000 etc) und von Rob Nienburg (img_0000 / img_5000 / img 9000 etc) Teilnehmende von diesem Gathering (Liste unvollständig): Dominik Lipp / Gisela Hochuli / Astrid Künzler / Francesco Spediccato / Thomas Zollinger / Markus Goessi / Thomas Zollinger / Irena Kulka / Lilian Frei / Mirzlekid / Nadine Seeger u.a (vollständige Liste ist allenfalls bei Dominik Lipp und Gisela Hochuli --> Dokumentation Gathering (?)
PerFORM¡ 2021

place: Kunstdepot Winterthur
KuratorIn: Künzler, Astrid
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action


Fotos / Photos
Dauer: 4