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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1212)


The art actions "Reflexion" have been taking place in public spaces and museums since 1999, using various applied new media art techniques such as performance, interactive installation and video art. The author/artist Barbara Streiff thematizes individual or environmental change and current events in a process-oriented way. She uses everyday materials that reflect the environment, such as aluminum foil, CDs or an emergency rescue blanket. This allows viewers to identify themselves and to recognize and reflect themselves in the surface of the object. The video performance "Reflexion" by artist Barbara Streiff shows how, dressed in an emergency blanket, she forms aluminum masks with individual expressions and sticks them to the emergency gown. This action took place in March 2011 at the Guggenheim Museum NYC and called for respect for other cultures and religions.
See blog Barbara Streiff used an interactive installation at the Kunsthaus Glarus CH 2006/ Museum Urban Sculptures St. Petersburg RU 2011 to address the issue of reflection using a kinetic mobile. With the involvement of the audience, the artist Barbara Streiff reflects on being human, the everyday and current events. The inner being, a conscious perception of the individual, feelings, attitudes and actions. The act of self-reflection encourages openness towards diversity and is a constant process.
Liebe Kunstfreunde, ich wünsche Euch ein schönes Wochenende. Das Suchen und Finden der Dokumentation hat einen Prozess ausgelöst, in die Vergangenheit zu reisen. Altes zu reflektieren, um neues zu schaffen. Order - Chaos ist angesagt. Herzliche Grüße Barbara
Reflexion - Network

place: Bahnhof Glarus/ Guggenheim Museum NYC/ Kunstfabrik Mollis
KuratorIn: Lubelsky, Abraham
Dokumentationstyp: Dokumentation einer Performance/Aktion / Documentation of a performance/action

1. Photo: Reflexion Bahnhof Glarus 1999 - Barbara Streiff 2. Video - Photos Reflexion - Guggenheim Museum 2001 - B. Streiff 3. Video - Photos Reflex. Network - Kunstfabrik Mollis - 2013 B. Streiff

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