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Revolving Histories (#bangbang-1182)

New York Wände

4-channel video installation, loops 5', DVD, stereo, 2000, (documentary)

Colored walls in New York form the monochrome backgrounds against which passing people make their brief appearance. Passing cars briefly divide the image into new colored areas. The constant movement and the typical sound of New York - voices, traffic, sirens - contrast with the static image sections and the simple image structure of the backgrounds. In quiet moments, when the flow of pedestrians or traffic slows down somewhat, the walls only reflect lights or movement taking place further away. Painterly moments arise in which the wall as a picture steps into the foreground only to become a stage again for the pedestrians' appearance. New York Walls runs as endless loops on four monitors.
Die Videodokumentation wurde 2010 für die Sammlung Neue Medien Baselland/ angekauft. Die Videoinstallation wurde 2000 an der «Viper» – Internationales Film und Videofestival, Basel – gezeigt.
Hiermit erteile ich den Organisatorinnen des Revolving Hi:stories Projekts und der Ausstellung BANG BANG – Translokale Performance Geschichte:n Schweiz die Sichtungsgenehmigung für meine Arbeit.
Viper – Internationales Film und Videofestival, Basel

place: New York / Basel
Dokumentationstyp: Performance/Aktion für die Kamera / Performance/Action for the Camera


Video 4:3
Dauer: 03:34